Abstract:The authors are to introduce Professor LUO Huasong's clinical experience in treating cervical spondylopathy with muscle and skin relieving and neck adjusting method. Professor LUO believes that cervical spondylopathy belongs to muscle and bone disease in Chinese medicine, and it could affect different levels of sinews,muscles and bones. In clinical,the concept of treatment of area division along meridians is proposed according to the different affected parts of cervical vertebra. In terms of treatment,it is advocated to “first identify the affected area,and treat the affected points and areas together with same focus on the muscles and bones, and combination of treatment with exercise”. The adhesive fascia is released by relieving the muscles and skin and adjusting the neck, and the breaking joints are corrected. The loose and soft muscles become stronger,promote the smooth flow of qi and blood along the meridians, help unite the joints,and strengthen the muscles and bones,which often suggest a good curative effect.