





Exploration of Point Selection Rules of Acupuncture and Moxibustion for Adults with Psoriasis Vulgaris Based on Data Mining Technique

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    目的:基于数据挖掘技术探讨针灸治疗成人寻常型银屑病的选穴规律。方法:检索中国知网、万 方数据知识平台、维普期刊全文数据库和中国生物医学文献数据库2002 年1 月—2022 年1 月针灸治疗成人寻常 型银屑病的临床研究文献,建立临床文献数据库,分析其选穴特点,运用SPSS Statistic26.0 及SPSS Modeler 14.0 等数据挖掘软件对数据进行描述性分析、关联规则分析与聚类分析。结果:最终纳入71 篇临床研究文献, 收集穴位处方112 张,涉及腧穴73 个,治疗方式排名前3 位的是针刺、火针、刺络拔罐,使用频次排名前5 位 的腧穴为肺俞、膈俞、曲池、血海、肝俞,特定穴以背俞穴使用频次最高,使用频次排名前3 位的经脉为足太 阳膀胱经、足太阴脾经及手阳明大肠经。关联规则分析显示,支持度最高的两连线关联群是肺俞-脾俞,三连 线关联群是曲池-三阴交-血海,四连线关联群是肺俞-肾俞-脾俞-肝俞。对使用频次≥5 的腧穴进行聚类分析, 可将腧穴分为3 类。第一类为阿是穴。第二类可分为2 组,百会、外关、委中为一组,心俞、肺俞、膈俞、肝 俞、脾俞、肾俞为一组。第三类可分为2 组,阴陵泉为一组,其余穴位为一组(包括曲池、三阴交、血海等)。 结论:针灸治疗成人寻常型银屑病常使用针刺、火针、刺络拔罐等方法,取穴以背俞穴为主结合传统治疗皮肤 病的穴组,穴位主要来自足太阳膀胱经、足太阴脾经、手阳明大肠经等,可为临床使用针灸治疗成人寻常型银 屑病提供参考。


    Abstract: Objective: Based on data mining technology, to explore the point selection rules of acupuncture and moxibustion for adults with psoriasis vulgaris. Methods: Clinical research literature on acupuncture and moxibustion for adults with psoriasis vulgaris from January 2002 to January 2022 was retrieved from China National Knowledge Internet,Wanfang Data Knowledge Platform,VIP Journal Fulltext Database and China Biology Medicine disc. The clinical literature database was established and the characteristics of point selection were analyzed. Data mining software such as SPSS Statistic26.0 and SPSS Modeler14.0 were used for descriptive analysis,association rule analysis and cluster analysis. Results:In the end,71 pieces of clinical research literature were included and 112 point prescriptions were collected, involving 73 acupuncture points. The top three treatment methods were acupuncture, fire needling and bloodletting puncture and cupping therapy. The top five acupuncture points used frequently were Feishu point (BL 13),Geshu point (BL 17),Quchi point (LI 11),Xuehai point (SP 10) and Ganshu point (BL 18), with back-shu point being the most frequently used in specific points. The top three meridians used frequently were bladder meridian, spleen meridian and large intestine meridian. Association rule analysis showed that two-line association group with the highest support was Feishu point (BL 13)- Pishu point (BL 20),the three-line association group was Quchi point (LI 11)-Sanyinjiao point (SP 6) - Xuehai point (SP 10), and the four-line association group was Feishu point (BL 13)-Shenshu point (BL 23) - Pishu point (BL 20) - Ganshu point (BL 18). Cluster analysis of the acupuncture points with a frequency of use higher than five allowed the points to be classified into three major categories. The first category is Ashi point. The second category can be divided into two groups,Baihui point (DU 20),Waiguan point (SJ 5) and Weizhong point (BL 40) as one group,and Xinshu point (BL 15),Feishu point (BL 13),Geshu point (BL 17),Ganshu point (BL 18),Pishu point (BL 20) and Shenshu point (BL 23) as one group. The third category can be divided into two groups,Yinlingquan point (SP 9) as one group, and the rest of the points as one group, including Quchi point (LI 11),Sanyinjiao point (SP 6) and Xuehai point (SP 10),etc.. Conclusion:The application of acupuncture and moxibustion for adults with psoriasis vulgaris often take the methods including acupuncture, fire needling and bloodletting puncture and cupping therapy. The main points selected are transport point combined with traditional point groups for skin diseases. The points are mainly from the bladder meridian, spleen meridian, large intestine meridian, which can provide reference for the clinical use of acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of adults with psoriasis vulgaris.



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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-03-26
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