Introduction of SU Xuan's Experience in Treating Recurrent Trigeminal Neuralgia by Acupuncture and Moxibustion of Regulating the Mind and Fortifying the Spleen
Abstract: To summarize and introduce Professor SU Xuan's clinical experience in treating recurrent trigeminal neuralgia by acupuncture and moxibustion of regulating the mind and fortifying the spleen. According to Professor SU Xuan,the pathogenesis of recurrent trigeminal neuralgia can be divided into two types:pain due to blockage and pain due to undernourishment,along with deficiency in origin and excess in superficiality. In terms of treatment, regulating the mind should be given priority, followed by transporting nutrients in the spleen and stomach, removing dampness, dissipating stasis and unblocking the collaterals, as well as supplementing and boosting healthy qi. The method of acupuncture and moxibustion of regulating the mind and fortifying the spleen summarized by Professor SU Xuan organically combines regulating the mind with transporting nutrients in the spleen and stomach together. With acupuncture and moxibustion as the main treatment and a variety of other external treatment methods of Chinese medicine,her method focuses on holistic treatment and simultaneous harmonization of the body and mind. It can be applied to the treatment of recurrent trigeminal neuralgia,which can effectively improve the pain symptoms and promote the recovery of the disease.